Barbara Rumberger
Barbara Rumberger (Calgary, AB) grew up in Stettler, a small prairie town known as the heart of Alberta. She moved to Calgary and graduated from the Alberta College of Art + Design’s glass program with distinction in 1996.
Influenced by the immense prairie sky stretching over textured fields of colour and the local surroundings of the stunning Rocky Mountains, she developed a series of blown glass vessels based on the tactile properties of the landscape.
Barbara spent many years creating one-of-a-kind pieces at the Double Struggle Glass Studio in Calgary co-owned by her long-time mentor, Jim Norton. At this time, she also worked in the architectural decorative glass field where she helped establish new processes in design. Invited by another mentor, Mark Gibeau, Barbara demonstrated her skills in Sheridan College in Oakville, ON and Espace Verre in Montreal QB. She has returned to Pilchuk Glass School in Washington State 5 times to be a pole-turner, making production centerpieces for their annual auction.
Barbara lives in Calgary with her husband Michael Saroka. In 2013, she co-established Fireweed Glass Studio Ltd.