


      Inuk is an Inuvialuit multi-disciplinary artist and master caribou hair tufter living in Yellowknife. She  was born in Fort Simpson, and grew up in the South Slave area. The year 2020 marks Inuk’s 30th  year as a caribou hair tufter. Never sacrificing her integrity, she built a name for herself as a tufter, a  jewelry artist and as a designer. With a million ideas swirling in her head at all times, she aims to  one day apply her tufting to fashion designs of her own making. Inuk pulls her inspiration from life  itself: her loved ones, her travels, the beauty of different cultures, her history and experiences, her  bloodlines, as well as all the people that she admires. She cherishes the connections she has  created because of her art and admires the other artists who, like her, make their own way both in  the traditional and contemporary worlds.

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