Celebrating our NWT Artists
Alberta Craft is excited to partner with NWT Arts to feature NWT artists in the Edmonton Gallery + Shop.
This exhibit includes a variety of work from craftspeople across the Northwest Territories. It celebrates the diversity, vibrancy and resiliency of its creators.
In stores and galleries, the NWT Arts logo identifies authentic Northwest Territories arts and fine crafts created by artists registered with the NWT Arts Program. Artists create one-of-a-kind handmade pieces that capture their northern spirit and share their unique stories of living in Canada’s Northwest Territories.

Craft is an important expression of identity and celebration of community.
The stories told by craft in the Northwest Territories are both the stories of tradition and culture that belong to the northern Indigenous peoples, as well as the stories of the settlers who moved there and carried their home traditions with them in the form of their crafts.
When studying Northwest Territories craft, it is possible to trace unique family traits through successive generations – the way an experienced beader, carver, or hide tanner’s own style has been adopted into the work of younger craftspeople. Some craftspeople are purists, adhering to tradition. Others blend traditional techniques with contemporary styles, revitalizing their craft for a modern world.

Craft tells stories about the land and stories about family.
Artists of the Northwest Territories use and wear craft so it becomes an extension of their bodies, and even vital for survival. Craft tells beautiful stories about the North, and it takes skill to create beauty.