Herm Stolte

Herm Stolte (Calgary, AB) does fine woodwork under the name “Herm’s Turn”. Without stains or artificial colors, he keeps the lines simple so that the wood itself is the center of attention. Herm is a founding member of the Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society (SAWS.)
"Wood has long fascinated me for the immense diversity in species - each with its own colors, weight, hardness and working characteristics. Within a given species one can find unique burls, colors, knots and evidence of the life the tree experienced before being harvested. The turnings I make are my attempt to show off some of the beauty that was created by the Maker of trees and hidden away inside them.
All my pieces are turned from trees grown here in Calgary that were otherwise destined for either the local landfill, chipper or firewood pile. Many are quite utilitarian, although some are designed to hold little more than your interest. The colors seen are the colors naturally in the wood, enhanced by a clear finish. I purposely keep the lines simple so as not to distract from the beauty of the wood itself. I attempt to identify each tree as accurately as possible, often providing the nomenclature as well as the common name."