Kimberly Smith

Kimberly resides in St. Albert, Alberta, where she creates art glass in her home studio. Her art glass pieces capture the essence of the Alberta landscape in abstract forms, resulting in a diverse collection ranging from wall displays to vessels. Drawing inspiration from workshops with notable glass artists like James Lavoie, Leslie RoweIsraelson, and Tim Carey,
Kimberly continues to explore various techniques to innovate within the medium. Kimberly's creations have been showcased at the St. Albert Art Gallery and Vasa Art Gallery. Currently, her work can be found at the Alberta Art Gallery, Wares Gift Shop, and Fallen Leaf Gallery in Canmore, as well as on her website. Kimberly has established a glass art program for schools, which she has been presenting in Edmonton and surrounding areas for over 18 years. This esteemed program has led to the implementation of 17 distinct artist-in-residence programs in schools across Edmonton