Shaun Semple

Shaun Semple


      Shaun Semple has been a professional, full-time Artisan Blacksmith since 2015. Shaun is part of Daelen Forge - a small, one-artist family forge, based in Strathcona County, Alberta.

      "As an Artisan Blacksmith my greatest influence is history itself. Initially what drew me to blacksmithing was the combination of a history that spans cultures around the world and incorporating fantasy and storytelling.

      The ability to take metal, heat it until it is red hot, then hammer it into new forms is something that has been part of our collective human history for centuries. I enjoy taking these ancient techniques and combining them with modern aesthetics and tools to create unique and innovative items. I also enjoy taking historical and antique metals that are destined for the scrap heap, and giving them a new life so they can be enjoyed by future generations.

      As my art has progressed, I have also enjoyed bringing in influences from fantasy and pop culture. From creating an entire gamer lined dedicated to Dungeons and Dragons, to Harry Potter inspired pieces, I’ve enjoyed combining seemingly unrelated inspirations and elements into something new and exciting.

      My inspirations come from the stories around us. Whether they are stories that have been with us for centuries, such as the Vikings, or new stories that have woven themselves into the fabric of our modern society. My goal is to capture those stories in my creations. Preserving and illuminating these narratives that explore what is unique and special about our connections across cultures, societies and the gorgeous marble we call home in this vast universe.

      My work is known for being clean, refined, with a great attention to detail and quality. I strive to constantly innovate and grow as an artist. I am not content to make the same pieces over and over again. I enjoy making a wide variety of products. Each one meticulously hand forged, with fire, hammer and anvil, making many of my pieces special, unique and one of a kind. My goal is to always be producing new designs, ideas and art that capture the stories of our past and present.

      1 product