Alberta Craft presents the Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates Symposium

Alberta Craft presents the Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates symposium and exhibition. This video is a recording of the symposium and its speakers, artists Joseph Sánchez, Ruby Sweetman, and Coral Madge, who spoke about their work as artists and experiences at Portage College.

For timeline links to the individual speakers click on the watch on YouTube button (bottom left corner).

The Legacy of Graduates exhibition, curated by Coral Madge, is a celebration of the beautiful, sustaining, traditional arts of our region. The artists approach their works from contemporary perspectives, taking inspiration from the rediscovery and preservation of traditional arts, language and cultural knowledge, spirituality and the natural world.

Participating Artists: Promise Beauregard, Lana Gal, Jamie John-Kehewin, Coral Madge, Celina Merasty, Tanya Mustus, Tessirae Sasakamoose, and Amber Weasel Head

Portage College Native Arts & Culture Program: Legacy of Graduates installed in Alberta Craft Calgary Gallery

Event Funder

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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