Adam Lefebvre

“The term ‘vestige’ is the underlying theme within my work. I create visible traces or remnants of something no longer present.
This term is inherent within atmospheric fired ceramics. The resulting surfaces are a literal remnant of the kiln, the fire, and the choices of the firing crew.
During my childhood, family trips coast to coast in Canada were highly formative. The trips exposed me to the vast and wild beauty within the country I proudly call home. Perhaps the most valuable lesson I received from our travel was the importance of stopping and looking. Whether it is to see an expansive vista at a roadside turnout or an upturned rusty nail in a fence, I have always found pleasure in observation.
My work is typically fired in wood-burning kilns. These firings reach temperatures more than 2300 degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, the combustion releases fly ash and other vapors that create the glaze and surface variations on the exterior of the ware.”