Dale Ladouceur

Dale Ladouceur


      In 2011 Dale Ladouceur (Edmonton) made her first work out of leather; a quiver from tools loaned to her by a bandmate from Sweden. Soon afterward she met an old saddle-maker who sold her his leatherworking tools and mentored her over the next decade. Now, Dale’s custom work sells all over Canada, US and Europe and is an in-demand workshop facilitator. 

      Dale prioritizes using reclaimed, recycled and vegan leather with the remaining vegetable-tanned leather largely sourced from Alberta. She is inspired by the natural world, weather systems, obscure childhood references, powerful grooves and courageous acts and melds these influences into her leatherwork at every opportunity. 

      In 2015 Dale created the Teen Building Leatherwork program, four different school workshops designed to support and empower teen students by creating a useable, personalized work while discussing the importance of having a creative outlet.  

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