Do-Hee Sung

Do-Hee Sung (S.Korea & Calgary, AB) grew up in Korea and lived in Seoul for 25 years, but never understood the value of Korean culture until she emigrated. Living in Canada has helped her realize the truth of who she is and the value of her Korean roots. Do-Hee graduated from the Alberta College of Art + Design in 2005 and has been developing her ceramics career since. She specializes in functional ware with traditional Asian motifs as well as contemporized Korean and Canadian influences.
Do-Hee’s ideal kitchen has only handcrafted pots and she can only imagine serving guests with hand crafted dishes and mugs, making them feel special by using a pot that is the only one in the world like it. Do-Hee strives to share her experiences of two different cultures with users and to bring her personal story into their homes.
Do Hee’s Alberta work has recently been featured in several projects in Korea, including the Unity & Diversity exhibition of Canadian fine craft at the Cheongju International Craft Biennale, and a four-person exhibition of Calgary potters which she organized for the Tong-In Gallery in Seoul.