Susan Crawford

Susan Crawford


      Textile artist, Susan Crawford, has lived in Calgary for 25 years.  When she is not in the kitchen steaming bundles of wool and silk rolled up with various plant leaves and flowers, you can find her out walking her dog, looking for interesting leaves and flowers that have fallen to the ground.

      Susan was trained in eco-dyeing in Florida, USA, but her favourite plants for eco-dyeing are from right here in Alberta. Her late mom’s roses, peonies, oaks, and sumac trees often appear in her work. Susan is a cancer survivor, and credits her dog, her garden, and her work in eco-dyeing as key to her recovery. 

      Susan is committed to an environmentally-conscious practice and business. She uses donated flowers and leaves from local flower shops that otherwise would end up being thrown out. She also donates a portion of each scarf she sells to a charity dedicated to planting and caring for trees. 

      Susan admits that Mother Nature has done the real work; she is just capturing the beauty of nature onto the fabrics.

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